Everything Art. My imagination is full

Friday, March 16, 2012

This is Sparta!!

Pencil drawing of a mighty Spartan Warrior. Took me about an hour and a half to complete.

Wacom bamboo Tablet

The artwork that you see below this post is all done using my Wacom Bamboo Tablet. This thing is nice. It was $80 and came with some free software. It was a breeze to install and really unleashes your creative beast. It is large enough to have a suitable drawing surface for the price and the feedback from the stylus is almost second nature. I have had a blast with this tablet and recomend it to anyone who is interested in getting started with digital painting.

Reading Tree and Eye

Artwork using my Wacom Bamboo Tablet


This painting is my pride and joy at this time. I really did not know where I was headed with this one untill it was about done. It is acrylic on canvas and turned out wonderfully.

Gandalf in Pencil

Alrighty Then...

Well I managed to totally put my blog to the way side. I promised myself that wouldn't happen but it did. I just got so caught up in the daily grind of work and starting back up with school. I would also like to mention that having a pregnant wife definatly takes some time from my day. Thats time that I am happy to be parting with though :). A quick update about myself; I just started back up with school pretty excited to be taking classes again. Also, I made the base softball team for the Air Force base that I work on! I am still finding time for art. I have done a few drawings hear and there and also a few new paintings that I would love to share with you all (lived in the midwest for a year now and I still can't say Y'all). Well thats all that is new in my world and I will get to posting my new art work!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

Well it is a new year and I would like to start it off by really focusing on stuff I enjoy, I get so scatter brained where I want to do this (for a week) then I want to do that (for a week). I really want to pick a couple things I enjoy and get better at. Especially with a baby on the way. That means less time for everything i'm used too. Time to narrow it down.

I have also been really reserved about putting myself and my artwork out there. Not for fear of rejection but... I don't have the words. I am just so critical of myself that I can't imagine anyone else enjoying something I made lol. It's weird. Well this year that is all over. I officially made a Facebook Artist page and shared it with all my friends.  I also ordered some Giclee Prints of some of my paintings, 1. To test out this company, 2. To see how they turn out in reproduction.

Stay Tuned